Sunday, 10 April 2011

Neglectful, Shameful and Full of Cake

OK, so I set up this blog to share my recipes as I like to compartmentalise and didn't want to list them on my personal blog . However, I am been very neglectful of this blog so far, probably due to the fact that I currently have 1 follower and I live with him so that doesn't count. Anyway, I have decided to take a totally different approach to this blog.

I am going to be my own audience. My other blog is written to be read by an audience of other mums, dads and interested parties but this blog is going to be mostly for me. I will still be posting up my recipes but I am also embarking on a lifestyle change at the moment so I hope that documenting it through my blog will help me.

I have always been a Fatty, with a capital F. I love cake. I love crisps. I can't choose between sweet or savoury, I love them both. I am a private eater who will hide the evidence so well that even CSI would have a hard time discovering my shameful eating habits. When I am bored I like to eat. What I am upset, angry or annoyed I solve the problem through snacking. When I am happy or excited I will celebrate with food. I can't escape the stuff.

But - I decided when my son was born that enough was enough. I would be a fatty no longer. I was going to change things. Eat healthily and exercise more. I have about 4 stone to lose and I was going to focus to get it off. Well, JC is 8 months old on Wednesday and since his birth I have gained 7lbs, lost 2, gained 5, lost 1, gained gained 10, lost 9.5, gained 1. Yes, it's true. My name is Claire and I am a yoyo dieter.

I am sick of it, I'm fed up with myself and my lack of self control! Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to make a fresh start. I just hope my new found confidence lasts. It's my birthday on Wednesday and I am going to be 28. This is my year for change and success. I will not turn 29 as an obese mum who is fed up with herself and cannot muster the energy to run around after her wee boy. He deserves more and frankly, so do I.



  1. You go girl!!!! keep up the healthy eating but do enjoy the cake etc on your birthday then continue. I can be good most of the week and then let myself go at the weekend and end up back at square one!! Also tough when you have kids and then leftovers are inviting you to pick them up and have a wee taste. Just remember JC will love you whatever you look like and life is for living so don't say diet say my new lifestyle!!! Have a great birthday Karen xx

  2. Thanks Karen! I'm am looking at it like a new way of living rather than a diet. It's been a good day today so far and baked tatties for tea! X
